
Congratulations, Peace Studies Class of 2018!

The Kroc Institute recently celebrated the graduation of 37 graduating peace studies seniors who majored or minored in peace studies and four graduates of the peace studies doctoral dual degree program. 

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Congratulations, Peace Studies Class of 2018!

Kroc to Host First Academic Conference on Military Antiwar Movements

Over 90 veterans, scholars and activists from around the world will gather May 22-24 at the University of Notre Dame for “Voices of Conscience: Antiwar Opposition in the Military.” This is the first major academic conference to explore the impact of military antiwar movements, especially during the Vietnam and Iraq...

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 Kroc to Host First Academic Conference on Military Antiwar Movements

New Book Advances Understanding of Conflict’s Role in Contemporary U.S. Society

The recently published book Healthy Conflict in Contemporary American Society offers new insight into the productive and positive roles that conflict can play in the midst of religious intolerance and moral disagreements in contemporary American society. Drawing together original research conducted by Jason A. Springs over the course of 13 years,...

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New Book Advances Understanding of Conflict’s Role in Contemporary U.S. Society

Women Studying Violence Present New Research and Discuss Challenges

More than a dozen women scholars on the forefront of violence research in political science took part April 9 in a workshop co-sponsored in part by two Keough School for Global Affairs institutes, the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and the Kellogg Institute for International Studies.

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Women Studying Violence Present New Research and Discuss Challenges

Student Peace Conference Keynote Speaker Announced

Alexis Templeton, a 24-year-old activist known for her protest work during the 2014 Ferguson Uprising, has been named as the keynote speaker for the 2018 Notre Dame Student Peace Conference, sponsored by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

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Student Peace Conference Keynote Speaker Announced

Mai Ni Ni Aung to receive Kroc Institute 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award

Mai Ni Ni Aung, M.A. 2003, has been selected to receive the Kroc Institute’s 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award. She is the founder of the Sone-Tu Cultural Preservation Project and the director of its sister organization, Sone-Tu Backstrap Weavings. Both organizations work to preserve and elevate the culture and traditions of...

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Mai Ni Ni Aung to receive Kroc Institute 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award

Peace Studies senior Brittany Ebeling named Michel David-Weill Laureate

An international economics major with a concentration in French and a supplementary major in peace studies, Brittany Ebeling has been named the 2018 Michel David-Weill Laureate, allowing her to pursue a fully funded two-year master’s degree program at the prestigious Paris Institute of Political Studies, or “Sciences Po.” The scholarship...

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Peace Studies senior Brittany Ebeling named Michel David-Weill Laureate

2018 Student Peace Conference Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Hascher and Erin Prestage

Notre Dame seniors Elizabeth Hascher and Erin Prestage, both peace studies and political science majors, are serving as co-chairs of the Student Peace Conference planning committee. Here they reflect on their hopes for the conference, the importance of peace studies and what they’ve learned through the planning process.

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2018 Student Peace Conference Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Hascher and Erin Prestage

Kroc's Summer Institute for Faculty to celebrate 10 years

In a year when the symbolic “Doomsday Clock,” run by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, inched closer to midnight, signaling that the world is “not only more dangerous now than it was a year ago” but “is as threatening as it has been since World War II,” the Kroc...

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Kroc's Summer Institute for Faculty to celebrate 10 years