Summer 2025: Peace Processes

Apply here for the summer 2025 KI-SPA. Applications will be due Friday, Nov. 1, 2024.


Each full day of the summer 2025 KI-SPA will be themed with topics – “Preparing the Process,” “In the Process,” and “Continuing the Process” – that build on one another and create a peace process trajectory.

Wednesday, May 21: “Preparing the Process” will focus on the foundational frameworks for peace processes, led with a keynote address from John Paul Lederach, professor emeritus of international peace building at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, and a panel presentation on preparing peace processes. The day will conclude with interactive working groups addressing pre-accord peace processes.

Thursday, May 22: “In the Process” will invite discussion on peace processes during the design and implementation stages. A plenary session that shares strategies for initiating a peace accord negotiation and mediation will be hosted by panelists Laurie Nathan, professor of the practice of mediation and director of the Mediation Program at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies; Francisco Diez, senior mediation advisor at the United Nations; and (to be confirmed) María Ángela Holguín, Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General on Cyprus. The day will also include a panel presentation by the Peace Accords Matrix team that discusses peace accord design and implementation. It will conclude with interactive working groups centering on peace accord negotiation and design.

Friday, May 23: “Continuing the Process” begins with a morning plenary session, highlighting strategies for continuing peace processes after an accord has been signed. This will be followed by interactive working groups focused on post-accord peacebuilding processes, and later, a dinner keynote from speaker Monica McWilliams, founding member of the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition and emeritus professor at Ulster University.

Saturday, May 24: KI-SPA will conclude with a breakfast morning roundtable session where participants can share their project progress with peers for feedback. Josefina Echavarría Álvarez, director of the Peace Accords Matrix and professor of the practice at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, will provide a closing keynote address.

Box lunches will be available upon departure.

Apply here for the summer 2025 KI-SPA. Applications will be due Friday, Nov. 1, 2024.

The summer 2025 KI-SPA agenda can be found here.