
The Kroc Institute is building a hub for cutting-edge research and resources on the study and practice of mediation.

Academic and Policy Research

L. Nathan and N. Sakhi, "Establish a U.N. conflict prevention mechanism for the Afghanistan region." The Atlantic Council, 2024.

L. Nathan, "The customer is always right: the policy research arena in international mediation," International Affairs, 2023, 99(5)

L. Nathan and A. Sethi, "Reducing and Managing Risk: The Dimensions of Strong Ceasefires in Intra-State Conflict," International Studies Review, 2023, 25(1)

L. Nathan and J. Devonshire, "Don’t We Have a Right to Get Angry? Integrating Emotions into International Mediation Studies," International Journal of Conflict Management, 2023, DOI10.1108/IJCMA-08-2022-0135

L. Nathan, "The Impossible Mandate: Exclusionary UN Mandates on Libya and Syria," in I. Svensson and I. Fraihat (eds.), Conflict Mediation in the Arab World, Syracuse University Press, 2023

L. Nathan and A. Duursma, "Darfur: The Perils of Deadline Diplomacy for Ceasefires," in G. Clayton (ed.), Ceasefires in Intrastate Peace Processes, Georgetown University Press, forthcoming 2023

L. Nathan, "Whither the Villains? The Ethical Dilemma in Armed Conflict," 2022, in D. Irvin-Erickson, A. Choi-Fitzpatrick and E. Verdeja (eds.), The Ethics of Action: Peace, Rights, and Justice, Oxford University Press

L. Nathan, "African Mediation in High Intensity Conflict: How African?" 2022, in B. Charbonneau (ed), Routledge Handbook of African Peacebuilding, Routledge

L. Nathan, "The Post-Conflict Constitution as a Peace Agreement," 2022, in R. Mac Ginty and A. Wanis-St. John (eds), Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-War Reconstruction, 3rd edition, Palgrave Macmillan

G. Clayton, L. Nathan and C. Wiehler "Ceasefire Success: A Conceptual Framework," International Peacekeeping, 2021, 28(3): 341-365

L. Nathan, "The Real Deal? The Post-Conflict Constitution as a Peace Agreement," Third World Quarterly, 2020, 41(9): 1556-1574

L. Nathan, "The International Peacemaking Dilemma: Ousting or Including the Villains?" Swiss Political Science Review, 2020, 26(4): 468–486

L. Nathan, Mandating Peace: Enhancing the Mediation Sensitivity and Effectiveness of the UN Security Council, Discussion Paper, 2020, Federal Foreign Office, Republic of Germany, Berlin

L. Nathan, "When the Flames Are Licking at the Door: Standing Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention," Global Policy, 2019, 10(2): 46-54

L. Nathan, "The Imperative of Constitutionalizing Peace Agreements," Thematic Paper, 2019, Berghof Foundation

D. Lanz, L. Nathan, and A. Raffoul, "Negotiations, Continued: Ensuring the Positive Performance of Power-Sharing Arrangements," 2019, Special Report 455, US Institute of Peace

L. Nathan, "The Ties That Bind: Peace Negotiations, Credible Commitment and Constitutional Reform," Working Paper Series, 2019, swisspeace, Bern

L. Nathan, "The Mandate Effect: A Typology and Conceptualization of Mediation Mandates," Peace & Change, 2018, 43(3): 318-343

L. Nathan, A. Day, J. Honwana and R. Brubaker, Capturing UN Preventive Diplomacy Success: How and Why Does It Work?, Centre for Policy Research, UN University, in collaboration with the UN Department of Political Affairs


Mediation & Africa's Regional Security (Nov 2021)


Syllabus for Course on International Mediation

Syllabus for Course on Community Peacemaking

Syllabus for Annual Ph.D. Course on International Mediation, co-hosted by the Kroc Institute and Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Video: Reparations and Reconciliation at Notre Dame Panel Discussion (January 22, 2020)

PowerPoint Presentation: Reparation and Reconciliation (developed by Laurie Nathan) 

Statements of support for the Black Lives Matter Movement and racial justice work


Advice to the Next President: Notre Dame Students Speak Out