Garrett FitzGerald

Peace Studies & Political Science

Garrett is a scholar-practitioner working at the intersections of peace studies, political theory (especially contemporary democratic theory and comparative political theory), and decolonial theory. His work broadly addresses questions of power and difference, especially in the context of knowledge production, and is particularly focused on how colonial legacies continue to shape what counts as ‘expert’ knowledge in the fields of peace studies and political theory. An award-winning educator, Garrett is passionate about helping students to engage with pressing issues in the study of peace, justice, and conflict, and helping students to develop the intellectual curiosity, moral courage, and practical knowledge they will need to bring about positive transformation in the world. Before coming to the Kroc Institute, Garrett served for five years as the head of development for the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, a Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization dedicated to promoting disarmament as a matter of public health. Garrett has also been involved in gang intervention and mediation work, and community-based processes of restorative justice.