Ann Mische receives graduate advising award

Author: Erin Blasko

Ann Mische

During Commencement weekend, Kroc Institute faculty member Ann Mische, associate professor of sociology and peace studies, was one of two University of Notre Dame faculty members to receive the James A. Burns, C.S.C., Graduate School Award. The award recognizes outstanding faculty mentorship and showcases Notre Dame’s very best doctoral advisers. The Burns Award emphasizes the importance of healthy and robust mentor-mentee relationships. 

Mische was honored for her inspiring contributions to graduate student mentoring at the mid-stage of her career. An active mentor, Mische ensures that her mentees feel supported as whole people and integrated into their respective programs. Her mentoring work with many international graduate students was especially noteworthy; Mische has chaired or is currently chairing committees for five international students.

Those who recommended her for the award emphasized Mische's empathy and her strong listening skills and willingness to process both academic and personal concerns with students. They also mentioned her particular ability to help students pursue and win external awards, fellowships and other markers of distinction. 

Mische’s research focuses on political culture, networks and communication in social movements and democratic politics.

William Schneider, Dorini Family Chair of Energy Studies and Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, was also recognized.