From Civilian Immunity to Just Peace


International law and time-honored ethical traditions prohibit the targeting of civilians in wars. Yet in most recent conflicts, more civilians — women, children, elderly people, and noncombatant men — have been killed than soldiers.

In the latest posts in Peace Policy, Kroc's online journal:

  • Robert C. Johansen offers 5 ways to strengthen norms of civilian immunity, reduce civilian deaths, and delegitimize terrorism.
  • Maryann Cusimano Love argues that the U.S. government must learn how to build peace.
  • George A. Lopez observes that draconian economic sanctions can compound war's destruction long after the bombs stop falling.

Edited by David Cortright, director of policy studies, Peace Policy focuses on critical topics such as the war in Afghanistan, nuclear proliferation, and civilian-military cooperation.  It features research-based insights and commentary by Kroc faculty, fellows, and associated peace scholars.   

Visit Peace Policy at

Contact: David Cortright,, (574) 631-8536