Master of Global Affairs International Peace Studies Capstone Conference Presentations


Location: B101, Jenkins and Nanovic Halls and Live on Zoom

Capstone Presentation

Learn about the research of our Master of Global Affairs students concentrating in international peace studies when they present their capstone projects to classmates and Keough School faculty!

Schedule of Presentations

12:30 p.m.
Evaluation of the Tigray Peace Agreement in the Ethiopian Civil War: A Conclusion or a Prologue?
Presenter: Halkano Boru
Respondent: Fatima Faisal Khan
Moderator: Eskandar Ataallah

1:10 p.m.
Queering Peace and Security in Practice: The Colombian Truth Commission's Approach to Gender-Based Violence Against LGBTQ People and its Relevance to the United Nations Women, Peace, and Security Agenda
Presenter: Matthew Bocanumenth
Respondent: Rawand Faeq
Moderator: Asma Rassem

1:50 p.m.
Journeying through Vulnerability: Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services for Women in Ghanaian Refugee Camps
Presenter: Angela Seidu
Respondent: Aung Myo Hein
Moderator: Tes Osborne

2:30 p.m.
Shifting the State Department: How the United States Department of State can Promote Access, Inclusivity and Justice for Tigrayan Disabled Women in Ethiopia’s Transitional Justice Process
Presenter: Ciera Griffin
Respondent: Zakira Rasooli
Moderator: Noha Elsebaie Mohamed

You are welcome to attend all or part of the presentations, either in-person or via Zoom.