A Policy Playbook on Nonproliferation Sanctions


Location: Zoom Webinar, Keough School of Global Affairs Washington Office

Keough Event

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Under the Trump administration, sanctions have become the go-to instrument of US foreign policy: a means of imposing unilateral “maximum pressure” that has not only failed to stem worsening nuclear proliferation risks in North Korea but also made matters worse in Iran. The administration has withdrawn from agreements that limit the threat from Russia’s nuclear missiles and has failed to extend the New START Treaty. 

Amid these challenges, how can the incoming Biden administration retool nonproliferation sanctions policy? How might it re-prioritize diplomacy with Russia and develop a more effective strategy for negotiated risk reduction in North Korea and Iran?

Join us to hear insights from a panel of experts, who will discuss these challenges and share insights from the recently published Keough School policy report, From Crisis to Opportunity: A Policy Playbook on Nonproliferation Sanctions.

This event is presented by the Keough School of Global Affairs, its Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, and the Fourth Freedom Forum.

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